Alexia Timotheou

Alexia Timotheou holds a diploma in Planning and Regional Development from the Engineering School in Volos, University of Thessaly, and a MSc. in Environment and Sustainable Development from the Bartlett, Development Planning Unit, UCL. Since 2019 she has been a Project Manager in the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics, being involved in European research programs in the fields of energy transition, decarbonization and sustainable development, being also responsible for the organization of conferences and events.

Before that, she worked as a freelancer (2008-2019) in studies and research projects in the fields of good governance, social policy, environmental policy, local government and regional policies for both the private and the public sector with different partners (EU, Black Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, Central Asian countries).

She has also worked as a researcher in the University Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources of the Panteion University, Athens (2005-2008), where she was involved in European research programs in the sectors of spatial policy and planning, environmental policy, sustainable development, local government and governance (FP6, FP7, INTERREG etc.).

Alexia Timotheou

Project Manager, Hellenic Association for Energy Economics

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