📢 Highlight
The 6th EcoMobility Conference is being organized for yet another year by the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics and the financial portal insider.gr, at the Hellenic Motor Museum, on 18 January 2023. The Conference is expected to address the dynamics, challenges, as well as the opportunities of the green and sustainable mobility sector in Greece.
⚡ Energy Insights
Energy Market Outlook-2022 With the world during the first global energy crisis – triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine – the World Energy Outlook 2022 (WEO) provides indispensable analysis and insights on the implications of this profound and ongoing shock to energy systems across the globe. The Future of Heat Pumps 2022 Heat pumps, powered by low-emissions electricity, are the central technology in the global transition to secure and sustainable heating. The Future of Heat Pumps, a special report in the IEA’s World Energy Outlook series, provides an outlook for heat pumps, identifying key opportunities to accelerate their deployment. It also highlights the major barriers and policy solutions and explores the implications of an accelerated uptake of heat pumps for energy security, consumers’ energy bills, employment, and efforts to tackle climate change. Renewable solutions in end-uses: Heat pump costs and markets-2022 This report provides an overview of heat pump technologies and their applications, discusses building stock and the implications for the use of heat pumps in both new and old buildings and examines recent market. Hydrogen Infrastructure Map The interactive map includes hydrogen infrastructure projects and shows the development of projects in 2030, 2040 and 2050. The projects are split into 5 categories including transmission pipelines, distribution pipelines, terminals and ports, storages, as well as demand and production projects.
📰 Energy Market News
Editorial: 2022 was the hardest year yet, until perhaps the next one 2022 was the year when the energy crisis was really escalated through the war in Ukraine and the massive drop of Russian gas reaching the EU. Over a year after the crisis started, the EU has been forced to pay a huge amount of money, close to EUR 1 trillion, according to estimates, in order to protect consumers as well as energy companies and keep its energy system intact. The fact that these subsidies and guarantees have now reached a substantial percentage of member-states' GDP means that they cannot continue indefinitely since they are eating into growth and relative investments. Regardless, most experts believe that 2023 will be just as hard, if not harder than 2022. The reason is that this time around the EU will have to make do with no Russian gas for an entire year. In order to maintain a steady flow of gas and at the same time replenish its storage, Europe will rely on continuous large scale inflow of LNG. A potential threat looming over the horizon is China, who aims to restart its economy soon and increase its own imports of fuel. Europe is also faced with issues in its effort to secure long term LNG deals, while there is also the matter of its own decarbonization effort that must not be undermined through locking in natural gas for too long in the future. These are all variables that affect decision making in Brussels, while friction between member-states regarding the natural gas price ceiling is still ongoing. Everything points to another tough year for Europe energy-wise, but the continent has the ability to pull through and acquire for itself a better and cleaner future. Read all the major energy market news from the past months.
📘 In Review
Each month we shine a light on a new topic of the energy sector by analysing the data and exploring possible implications. This small monthly publication is all about data visualisation of today's most intriguing trends. For November, the Chart analyzes EU’s energy security in terms of oil and gas imports in net mass and in value.
HAEE is dedicated to contribute to knowledge advancement of energy economics and to this end, it published the 2nd issue of "In Focus", entitled "Accelerating Energy Transition Investments". The edition gives an overview of the key investment schemes at European and national level, and focuses on the emerging technology solutions, presenting the major developments in the respective investment activities. Last but not least, the issue highlights the threats and opportunities that may arise from an "accelerated transition" and investments may be affected by these.
For 3 consecutive days, from 10 to 12 May 2023, the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics will organize the 8th edition of HAEE Energy Transition Symposium, under the title “Rethinking Energy: The new state of play for a secure and sustainable future”. Stay tuned for more updates.
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